Devdutt and Tanya | Atlanta proposal at Piedmont Park

April 27, 2018

Devdutt came to me a few weeks ago about photographing the proposal to his girlfriend Tanya.  One thing about photographing a proposal in which the girl is not expecting it – things do not always go as planned.  The week of the proposal, the weather was looking really bad for the day we had planned (Thursday).  We then moved the day back to Wednesday, which required a lot of planning as a large group of their friends were planning on coming into down for the big day.

After scouting a couple of locations, we decided the dock at Piedmont Park would be a good location.  Arriving on the day of the proposal, we found the dock occupied by others.  After waiting 15 minutes for them to leave, someone else joined them.  We now have two group of people on the dock taking pictures and an entire group of friends just waiting for the dock to clear so Dev can propose to his girlfriend.  About what seemed like an eternity (30-40 minutes pass), we finally have a clear dock.

Dev goes to get his dog (which has the proposal tied around his neck).  After Tanya sees the proposal, he drops down to one knee then stops.  The dog is sniffing around the edge of the dock and looks like he’s about to jump in.  After corralling the dog away from the edge of the dock, he tries again – and she says yes!

The entire time I am probably 100 feet back from the dock photographing the entire thing.  Tanya had no idea who I was or what I was doing, so in all, nobody blew the cover and entire surprise was a success.

Here are a few highlights from the proposal.  Congratulations guys!